Is the facility ONLY serving children belonging to the Bozard Ford Lincoln employees?
The Bird’s Nest was created in partnership with Bozard Ford Lincoln to serve their employees, but we are a separate business and do serve the community at large. We do give priority to employees of Bozard Ford Linclon, Ford’s Garage and the area businesses.
Is lunch provided for my child?
You will need to pack your child lunch and are welcome to bring breakfast as needed. We will have snacks, special celebrations and food tasting. You will be well informed for these special events. We do not have a kitchen on site, so this is not a service we will be able to provide. Please note that we are required to make sure each child is fed a nutritious and balanced meal.
Do you offer part time care?
We do not currently offer part time care. Things change constantly and you are always welcome to inquire at 904-901-6378.
What do I provide for my…..
Please provide sheets, change of clothes, lovie, pacifier, milk/bottles/food, bibs, diapers, wipes, sunscreen, bug spray, diaper cream, burp cloths, medications as needed. We will store any items that do not need to go home with you for the week.
Please provide sheets, change of clothes, lovie, pacifier, sippy cups/water bottles, lunch, sunscreen, diaper cream, bug spray, change of clothes, change of shoes (if potty training), diapers/pull ups/underwear, wipes and medications as needed. We will store any items that do not need to go home with you for the week.
3/4year old
Please provide sheets, change of clothes, lovie, sippy cups/water bottles, lunch, sunscreen, diaper cream, bug spray, change of clothes, change of shoes (if potty training), diapers/pull ups/underwear, wipes and medications as needed. We will store any items that do not need to go home with you for the week.
Things NOT to bring…
We know the struggles of convincing a child they don’t need to bring a favorite toy, new book, or special item to school. Please try to discourage your child from bringing anything that could blend in with our center toys. We want those important items to be well loved and played with at home.
Can I visit my child at lunch/while on break?
We hold an open door policy, but due to COVID we are limiting our parent interactions inside the classroom. We do believe the relationship between parents, teachers and the classroom is VITAL. We do have to follow CDC guidelines and DCF guidelines, as soon as we are able we look forward to welcoming you back to the classroom! We do have a system to message, send photos and keep you up to date with classroom events!
Can I breastfeed my child instead of a bottle being provided?
You may absolutely come in and we will work with you to find you a comfortable space to breastfeed your child on a schedule as needed. We have lots of options for what this may look like, so please discuss with us.
How do I pay my child’s tuition?
We accept check, cash and credit cards. We use a payment program through Tuition Express which has a 2.75% fee processed with credit card payments. Payments can be accepted weekly, monthly or processed automatically. The online payment portal can be found here.
Is there a sibling discount?
For families with multiple children attending The Bird’s Nest Day School we offer 5% off the oldest child’s tuition.
What other discounts are provided?
We offer a military/first responder discount of 5%. We offer the same discount to teachers.
My child receives special services, may those providers utilize school time to provide services needed?
We would love to partner with service providers to make sure we are a good fit for their needs. We understand how vital these services can be and will do our best to be accommodating. Please discuss specifics with our directors.
How does VPK work? What is required and what are the fees for?
We will not be offering state funded VPK for the 2022-2023 school year. We will be offering state approved curriculum and providing portfolio assessments.
If your child is going to attend a state funded VPK, you will need to preregister your child here.
Will there be field trips?
We will NOT be transporting your child for field trips. We are very excited to offer in house field trip experiences with local partners. You will have advanced notice of any activities and permission slips will go home.